Design, production and sales of the dyeing finishing machinery for textile.
  • top_catch Hanayama Kogyo Co., Ltd. is 80 years old since its inception, we've been going for design, manufacturing, and sales as a comprehensive manufacturer of dyeing and finishing machinery, In order to put together a complex dyeing and finishing process will require the overall technical capabilities. From the idea of co-existence and co-prosperity, we cooperate with other companies in the same industry and we offer a low-cost plant in the world with higher quality. Besides, we've been doing the development of automated machinery. Rather than a single that is now we will suggest the best one in the customer's line.
  • Roll-Off machine
  • Scouring machine. Washing machine
  • Scutcher
  • Resin Finishing Machine
    染色整理ってどんなこと? まずは染色整理とは何か説明するね。 織機・編み機から出てきたばかりの反物には糊剤、油剤、汚れがたくさんついているんだよ。そこからいわゆ ...